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The BlogsComponent is a versatile React component designed to display a collection of blog posts. It's built for use in Next.js applications and utilizes the contentlayer library for content management. This component offers various customization options through props, allowing for flexible presentation of blog posts.

Importing the Component

To use the BlogsComponent in your Next.js application, import it as follows:

import BlogsComponent from '@/components/BlogsComponent';

Basic Usage

Here's a basic example of how to use the BlogsComponent:

<BlogsComponent />

This will display all available blog posts without any filtering or limitations.

Advanced Usage

You can customize the component's behavior and appearance using various props:

tags={['react', 'nextjs']}

This example will display up to 5 blog posts that have either "react" or "nextjs" tags, in a horizontal layout, without titles or descriptions.


The BlogsComponent accepts the following props:

isPagebooleanIndicates if the component is being used as a full page
tagsstring[]Array of tags to filter blog posts
titlestringTitle for the blog section (not currently used in the component)
desstringDescription for the blog section (not currently used in the component)
noTitlebooleanRemoves title styling if true
noDescriptionbooleanRemoves description styling if true
horizontalbooleanDisplays posts in a horizontal layout if true
limitnumberLimits the number of posts displayed
noMarginbooleanRemoves margin styling if true
searchstringSearch term for filtering posts (not currently implemented)


The BlogsComponent provides the following functionality:

  1. Filters blog posts based on provided tags.
  2. Limits the number of displayed posts if a limit is specified.
  3. Adjusts layout based on the horizontal prop.
  4. Applies different styling based on noTitle, noDescription, and noMargin props.
  5. Renders each blog post using the BlogCard component.


The component uses Tailwind CSS classes for styling, combined with the cn utility function for conditional class application:

  • The outer container uses mx-auto for centering and conditionally applies max-w-6xl pb-6 pt-8 based on the noMargin prop.
  • The inner container applies different flex and gap classes based on the horizontal, noTitle, noDescription, and noMargin props.


To customize the BlogsComponent:

  1. Modify the Tailwind classes to adjust the layout and styling.
  2. Implement the unused props (title, des, search) to add more functionality.
  3. Extend the filtering logic to include more complex queries.
  4. Add pagination or infinite scrolling for large collections of blog posts.

Best Practices

  1. Implement error handling for cases where allBlogs might be undefined.
  2. Consider adding a loading state for when blog data is being fetched.
  3. Implement the search functionality using the search prop.
  4. Add proper types for the blog post data to ensure type safety.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use the BlogsComponent in a Next.js page:

import BlogsComponent from '@/components/BlogsComponent';

export default function BlogPage() {
return (
<div className='container mx-auto px-4'>
<h1 className='text-3xl font-bold mb-6'>Our Blog</h1>
<BlogsComponent tags={['featured']} limit={3} horizontal={true} />
<h2 className='text-2xl font-semibold mt-12 mb-4'>All Posts</h2>
<BlogsComponent />

This example demonstrates how to use the BlogsComponent to create a blog page with a featured section and a full list of posts.

By using the BlogsComponent, you can easily display and customize collections of blog posts in your Next.js application. Remember to provide appropriate props to tailor the component's behavior to your specific needs.