🗃️ Auth
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🗃️ FAQ
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🗃️ Testimonial
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📄️ BrandNameWithIcon
A reusable component for displaying the site's logo and brand name in Next.js applications.
📄️ BuiltWith
A reusable component for displaying a 'Built with' attribution link in Next.js applications.
📄️ ClickToActionBox
A call-to-action component for React applications, encouraging users to start using the service or book a demo.
📄️ ExplainerVideo
A reusable component for explainer video in your Next.js application.
📄️ Footer
A customizable footer component for your Next.js application, featuring links, social media icons, and copyright information.
📄️ Header
A responsive header component for Next.js applications with navigation, theme toggling, and mobile menu support.
📄️ Hero
A customizable hero section component for your Next.js application's landing page.
📄️ PageError
A reusable component for displaying 404 error pages in your Next.js application.
📄️ SalesNotifications
A dynamic sales notification component for React applications, displaying recent purchases with animated transitions.
📄️ Theme Provider
A wrapper component for NextThemesProvider to manage themes in your Next.js application.
📄️ Theme Toggler
Learn how to use and customize the ThemeToggler component for theme switching in your Next.js application.
📄️ Typography
A collection of reusable Typography components for consistent text styling in your Next.js application.