Get Started
Get started in 5 minutes
Welcome to SaaS Developer Templates, the ultimate toolkit to launch your SaaS application in days!
Our code is hosted on GitHub. To get started, simply fork the repository.
Step 1: Fork the Repository
GitHub Repository with Chrome Extensions
When creating the fork:
- Select the owner (your GitHub account).
- Uncheck the option "Copy the main branch only."
- Click Create fork.
Why Forking?
By creating a fork:
- You own the repository while maintaining a link to the original repository.
- You can sync future updates from the original repository with a single click using the "Sync Fork" button in your GitHub repository.
Step 2: Clone the Forked Repository
Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub.
Click the Code button and select Open with GitHub Desktop for the easiest way to download it.
Alternatively, if you're comfortable with the Git CLI, run:
git clone<your-forked-repo>
# example:
git clone
Step 3: Set Up Environment Variables
- Navigate to the directory where the repository is cloned.
- Copy the environment variables file:
cp .env.example .env
- Open the
file and configure it with your project-specific settings, such as:- Database credentials
- API keys
- SMTP server details
Step 4: Install Dependencies and Start the Server
- Run the following commands to set up and start the development server:
npm install # Install dependencies
npm run dev # Start the local Next.js development server
Your application will now be running at http://localhost:3000
Open it in your browser to see it in action! 🚀
Step 5: Ensure Correct Node.js Version
To ensure compatibility with SaaS Developer Templates, use Node.js version 22.8.0.
Using NVM (Node Version Manager):
- Install NVM from here.
- Navigate to the project directory and run:
nvm install 22.8.0
nvm use - Pro Tip: Enable automatic Node.js version switching when entering a directory with a
file:npm install -g avn avn-nvm
Common Next Steps:
Congratulations! 🎉 You’re all set to start building your SaaS application with SaaS Developer Templates.