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Header Component

The Header component is a versatile and responsive navigation bar for Next.js applications. It features a logo, navigation links, a theme toggler, and a mobile-friendly menu for smaller screens.

Importing the Component

To use the Header component in your Next.js application, import it as follows:

import Header from '@/components/Header';

Basic Usage

Here's a basic example of how to use the Header component:

import Header from '@/components/Header';

const Layout = ({ children }) => {
return (
<Header />


The Header component provides the following functionality:

  1. Displays a logo and brand name linked to the home page.
  2. Shows navigation links for desktop view (Pricing and Login).
  3. Includes a "Get Started" or "Go to app" button based on user login status.
  4. Provides a theme toggler for switching between light and dark modes.
  5. Implements a responsive design with a mobile menu for smaller screens.
  6. Uses a Sheet component for the mobile menu, which slides in from the left.


This component relies on the following:

  • Next.js (for routing and Link component)
  • lucide-react (for the Menu icon)
  • Custom UI components (Sheet, Button, ThemeToggler)
  • SiteConfig for site-specific information
  • Routes object for page URLs
  • useGetStarted custom hook for handling user authentication state and actions

State Management

The component uses React's useState hook to manage the state of the mobile menu:

const [isMenuOpen, setMenuOpen] = useState(false);

It also utilizes the useGetStarted hook to manage user authentication state:

const { isLogged, isLoginLoading, isLoadingCta, onGetStartedClick } =


The component uses Tailwind CSS for styling. Key styling features include:

  • Responsive layout using flexbox and hidden/block classes for different screen sizes.
  • Custom background colors for light and dark modes.
  • Rounded corners and padding for the header container.
  • Sticky positioning with a high z-index to keep the header visible while scrolling.


To customize the Header component:

  1. Modify the SiteConfig object to update the site name.
  2. Update the Routes object to change the URLs for different pages.
  3. Adjust the Tailwind CSS classes to modify the styling.
  4. Replace the Logo component with your own implementation.
  5. Customize the ThemeToggler component as needed.


The component implements several accessibility features:

  1. Uses semantic HTML elements like <nav> for navigation.
  2. Includes a screen reader-only text for the mobile menu toggle button.
  3. Utilizes the Button component, which should have built-in accessibility features.

To further improve accessibility:

  1. Ensure all interactive elements are keyboard accessible.
  2. Add appropriate ARIA labels to elements that may not be clear to screen readers.

Best Practices and Improvements

  1. Consider extracting the mobile menu into a separate component for better code organization.
  2. Implement internationalization (i18n) for multi-language support.
  3. Add unit tests to ensure the component behaves correctly under different states.
  4. Consider adding a dropdown for additional navigation items if the header becomes crowded.

Example Usage in a Layout

Here's an example of how you might use the Header component in a layout:

import Header from '@/components/Header';
import Footer from '@/components/Footer';

const Layout = ({ children }) => {
return (
<div className='flex flex-col min-h-screen'>
<Header />
<main className='flex-grow'>{children}</main>
<Footer />

export default Layout;

This example demonstrates how to use the Header component within a layout, ensuring it appears at the top of every page that uses this layout.

By using the Header component, you can easily add a responsive and feature-rich navigation bar to your Next.js application. Remember to update the content, links, and styling to match your specific brand and design requirements.