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Version: 1.0.0

Features Component

The Features component is a React component designed to display a list of product features using the Feature component. It provides a convenient way to showcase multiple features with consistent styling and optional call-to-action buttons.

Importing the Component

To use the Features component in your React application, import it as follows:

import { Features } from '@/components/Features';

Component Props

The Features component accepts the following prop:

showCtabooleantrueDetermines whether to show call-to-action buttons for all features

Basic Usage

Here's a basic example of how to use the Features component:

import { Features } from '@/components/Features';

<Features showCta={true} />;

This will render all the features defined in the featuresList with call-to-action buttons.


The Features component provides the following functionality:

  1. Renders a list of Feature components based on the featuresList array.
  2. Allows control over whether call-to-action buttons are displayed for all features.
  3. Applies consistent spacing and layout to all rendered features.

Data Structure

The component uses a featuresList array to define the features:

const featuresList: Omit<FeatureProps, 'showCta'>[] = [
category: 'Productivity',
title: 'Feature 1',
description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...',
imageUrl: '',
// ... more features

Each object in the array represents a feature and contains properties matching the Feature component's props (excluding showCta).


The component uses Tailwind CSS for styling. Key styling features include:

  • Flex layout with column direction for vertical stacking of features.
  • Consistent gap between features using gap-10.
  • Maximum width and horizontal centering with max-w-5xl mx-auto.
  • Horizontal padding and top margin with px-6 mt-12.


This component relies on the following:

  • React
  • The Feature component (imported from "./Feature")


To customize the Features component, you can:

  1. Modify the featuresList array to add, remove, or change features.
  2. Adjust the Tailwind CSS classes in the main <section> element to change the layout and spacing.
  3. Pass a different value for showCta when using the component to control CTA button visibility.


The accessibility of this component largely depends on the implementation of the individual Feature components. However, to improve accessibility:

  1. Consider adding an aria-label to the main <section> element to describe the purpose of the features list.
  2. Ensure that the Feature component handles accessibility concerns for each individual feature.

Best Practices and Improvements

  1. Consider making the featuresList a prop, allowing for more dynamic feature lists without modifying the component.
  2. Implement error handling for cases where featuresList is empty.
  3. Add PropTypes or TypeScript prop validation for better type safety.
  4. Consider adding a title or heading for the entire features section.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use the Features component in a page:

import { Features } from '@/components/Features';

const HomePage = () => {
return (
<div className='container mx-auto py-8'>
<h1 className='text-4xl font-bold text-center mb-8'>
Our Product Features
<Features showCta={true} />
<div className='text-center mt-8'>
<p>Want to learn more about our features?</p>
<a href='/contact' className='text-blue-500 hover:underline'>
Contact us

export default HomePage;

This example demonstrates how to use the Features component within a home page, showcasing product features with call-to-action buttons enabled.

By using the Features component, you can easily create a comprehensive display of your product's features in your React application. Remember to customize the featuresList and styling to match your specific product offerings and design requirements.