Docs: Saas Developer Template
Kickstart your SaaS development with our all-in-one template: landing pages, authentication, payments, admin dashboard, SEO, PWA-ready, Prisma ORM, TailwindCSS, and more.

Pre-built Landing Pages
Includes ready-to-use landing pages for waitlists, pre-orders, and more to jumpstart your product launch.

Seamless Payment Processing
Supports subscriptions, one-time payments, and lifetime plans with easy integration for waitlist pages.

Fully Integrated Authentication
Pre-configured with NextAuth, supporting email, Google, and 60+ providers, along with role-based access control for secure content.

Admin Panel for Management
Easily manage pricing, subscription plans, and more with an intuitive admin panel.

User Dashboard
A dedicated space for users to manage their subscriptions and account details.

Email Service Integration
Integrate with MailChimp*, Loops*, or any SMTP login credentials to send emails directly from your platform.

Scalable Database Setup
Utilize Prisma ORM with pre-configured table schemas to ensure scalability and flexibility.

UI Kit with Tailored Components
Access a set of stunning UI components using TailwindCSS and ShadCN UI for consistent design.

Chrome Extension Boilerplate
Ready-to-use boilerplate with built-in authentication support for quick deployment of your extension.

Code Quality Tools
Includes ESLint, Husky, and Prettier to maintain a clean, readable, and consistent codebase.

Progressive Web App (PWA)
Fully supported for offline-first functionality, ensuring high performance and reliability for users.

SEO Optimisation
Automated generation of sitemaps, robots.txt, and SEO-friendly configurations for improved search engine visibility.

Content Management System
Create and manage blogs, privacy policies, terms of service, and change logs using an MDX-based library.

Built-in Email Features
Send emails via any SMTP service with built-in email functionality for seamless communication.

Secure APIs
Auth-based and role-based APIs with higher-order functions and secure hooks to prevent unauthorized access.